About me

A little about me.

My name is Chad Franklin.

I have been making money online for over 15 years.  I started out selling stuff on ebay back in the day and evolved into building and selling websites and promoting various affiliate offers. I have bought into all the trendy business opportunities over the years and have spent thousands of dollars doing so. I would spend all my time promoting sending solo ads and searching for more and more places to buy good ads.  Here's the thing. I would spend all that time and money and sometimes never even break even much less make a profit.

My point is marketing is pretty much gambling too people just don't like to think of it that way.

I would tell myself every day that there has to be a better way to make money online.

I knew about online casinos and would deposit $100 here and there to play blackjack and I would win sometime. I remember it was a great feeling. Problem is with blackjack or any casino game you will NEVER come out ahead long term. NEVER.  So I was having a few drinks at the local sports bar one night with a buddy watching a college football game and I noticed my friend would kind of pump his fist when one of the teams would score. I didn't really think much of it. Then when the game was over he jumped up and screamed HELL YEAH! He bought a round for the entire bar. He explained to me that he just won $10,000. Turns out the game we were watching was the last game he needed to win for a large payout 8 team parlay. I didn't even know what a parlay was, but I knew I wanted to know how he did this.  So I told my buddy I would call him the next day so we could talk about it.

After talking with my friend and hearing him explain about parlays I realized he just got really lucky that night. I did learn though about sports betting online. So I started betting on sports. I had no idea what I was doing. I just knew what teams I liked and would bet on them, and that didn't go well. Not well at all! I blew through hundreds of dollars loosing because my teams sucked. So I had to go back to the drawing board and rethink what I was doing. Long story short I was at my kids basketball game when I got this random SPAM text message that said something like "Here is today's Free pick" and they gave the pick. I didn't pay much attention to it I just figured I must have signed up for something somewhere online from all the stuff I do. Then the next day when I checked scores and saw that team they told me to take had won. I was like huh. Then on that same day I was sent another pick. I still didn't pay it much attention until the next day when the same thing happened, the pick they told me take won again. So now this got me thinking. So when they sent the third pick I went ahead and placed a small bet on it, and it won. I did this for about two weeks. In that two weeks I won way more than I lost it was like a crazy 10-4 and I ended up with over $2k profit. Well, that's when the picks stopped coming in for free. The guy behind these picks called me and said his picks cost $3,500 a month!  I knew the picks were good, but damn $3,500. There was no way I was going to pay that. I ended up working out a better deal and continue to this day to get those picks along with other picks from several other sources.

When you have people that do this for a living sending you their picks, your odds of winning go up dramatically.

So what I'm offering you today is to share the picks I'm already paying a lot of money for. These are from some of the top sports handicappers in the world.  I have hundreds to choose from but I only put my hard earned money down on the picks that come from the cappers that have a recent and current winning record.  I will acknowledge that I understand nobody wins 100%, not even 80% of the time consistently but that's ok. When betting on sports you don't have to win 100% or 80%.  I have daily and weekly goals. Sometimes I make much more, and there are days I do loose, it happens, but again it's ok because I make it up over the next couple days. The key is to manage your money and don't get greedy and don't get addicted lol. I laugh but I'm also serious. Big mistake a lot of people make is they will loose a bet and then chase after their loss by doubling down on another game. Bad idea and a great way to go broke. If you loose a bet or two it's not the end of the word. Keep your money and play another day. If your using my picks you will come out ahead in the end.

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